Invitation to tender: compose a Research and Innovation Committee in Brazil

The Brazil Green Finance Programme from Prosperity Fund in Brazil opens this tender to compose a Research and Innovation Committee with experts from different areas.

The Green Finance Programme Team in Brazil opens this tender to compose a Research and Innovation Committee with experts from the sustainable finance and infrastructure, climate change, gender and social development areas aiming to maximise the Programme’s positive impact in Brazil.
The Research and Innovation Committee will work as a curator of primary data generated by the Programme (advising on and assessing applied methodologies and resulted quality) and of secondary data used by it (assessing reliability and accuracy). It will contribute to ensure data quality and, therefore, to provide scientific-based inputs to influence the process of decision making along the Programme. Moreover, the Research and Innovation Committee is expected to produce high-quality collaborative research, adding value to Programme knowledge management, scaling up methodologies and results and fostering innovation.

Objectives and required tasks

The members of the Research and Innovation Committee will provide a strategic scientific overview as well as scientific assessment and advice on outputs developed by the consortium to maximise the Programme’s impact in Brazil.
The Research and Innovation Committee will work as a curator of primary data generated by the Programme (advising on and assessing applied methodologies and resulted quality) and of secondary data used by it (assessing reliability and accuracy). It will contribute to ensure data quality and, therefore, to provide scientific-based inputs to influence the process of decision making along the Programme.
Moreover, the Research and Innovation Committee is expected to produce high-quality collaborative research, adding value to Programme knowledge management, scaling up methodologies and results and fostering innovation.

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