Notícias – LATEC

Acreditamos no poder do capital como motor das transformações e no papel do jornalismo como catalisador do debate.


A Suzano acaba de inaugurar uma nova fábrica ‘estado da arte’, que consumiu R$ 22 bilhões e usa novas tecnologias para substituir combustíveis fósseis e vender a (muita) eletricidade excedente

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A quatro dias do início dos Jogos Olímpicos, recuperamos uma reportagem do Reset de 2023 que conta a transformação de Paris em uma ‘cidade de 15 minutos’

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Em captação de R$ 94 bi, CCR emite ‘bonds de transição’ de R$ 500 mi


CNEG 2024

PALESTRAS, APRESENTAÇÕES de ARTIGOS e MINICURSOS em temas relevantes para a Gestão Organizacional com abordagem atual.

CNEG 2024

Em sua 18ª edição, CNEG / INOVARSE 2024 consolida-se como um dos principais eventos científicos no Brasil a promover o diálogo e a produção científica nos campos da Gestão Organizacional Sustentável e Inovadora, estimulando a difusão e a integração de conhecimento entre as organizações e os centros de pesquisa e ensino por meio de apresentações de trabalhos científicos e minicursos. Artigos aceitos para o CNEG / INOVARSE recebem DOI e comporão os Anais CNEG / INOVARSE 2024.

Para saber mais sobre o CNEG / INOVARSE visite


– Riscos, Segurança de Processo e Confiabilidade

– ESG e Sustentabilidade em Organizações

– Responsabilidade Social Empresarial

– Gerência de Riscos e Meio Ambiente

– Construções e Urbanismo Sustentáveis

– Eficiência Energética

– Gestão de Resíduos

– Economia do Meio Ambiente

– Economia do Meio Ambiente Capacitação

– Educação Ambiental

– Gestão Ambiental

– Produção Limpa

– Gerência de Projetos

– Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas

– Gestão pela Qualidade Total

– Sistema de Informação

– Marketing e Produto

– Marketing e Comportamento do Consumidor

– Estudos em Engenharia Civil

– Estratégia e Competitividade

– Finanças Corporativas

– Gestão de Processos

– Gestão do Conhecimento

– Ergonomia

– Gestão da Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional

– Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho

– Gestão de Projetos Sociais

– Gestão de Serviços de Saúde

– Indicadores de Sustentabilidade

– Governança Corporativa e Ética Organizacional

– Desenvolvimento Local e Empreendedorismo

– Logística e Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos

– Economia Azul e do Mar

Entre outros, conforme Área Temática.


Call for Papers – 5th South American Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference, Bogota, Colombia, May 7-9, 2024


Contribute a Paper at the 5th South American Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference in Bogota, May 7-9, 2024.

Dear Colleagues:

I hope you are doing well. You are invited to submit a paper at the 5th South American IEOM Conference in Bogota, Colombia. Submission Deadline is on February 28, 2024.

Tours will be arranged for sightseeing.

We look forward to seeing you in Bogota.

Thank you

The organizing Team


Call for Papers

5th South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Bogota, Colombia, May 7-9, 2024

Conference Hotel: DoubleTree by Hilton Bogota – Parque 93 Hotel
Venue: University Campus in hotel
Theme: Fostering Sustainable and Resilient Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Hosts: Fundación Universitaria Internacional De La Rioja (UNIR), Bogotá, Colombia and Institucion Universitaria Colegios de Colombia (UNICOC)

Submission Link:
Registration Link:

IEOM Society International is organizing 5th South American Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Bogota, Colombia. Hosts are Fundación Universitaria Internacional De La Rioja (UNIR), Bogotá, Colombia and Institucion Universitaria Colegios de Colombia (UNICOC). The conference aims to provide a forum for academics, researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and recent developments in the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. The conference is also expected to foster networking, collaboration and joint effort among the conference participants to advance the theory and practice as well as to identify major trends in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. IEOM has successfully organized previous international conferences in Dhaka (2010), Kuala Lumpur (2011), Istanbul (2012), Bali (2014), Dubai (2015), Orlando (2015), Detroit (2016), Kuala Lumpur (2016), Rabat (2017), Bristol, UK (2017), Bogota (2017), Bandung (2018), Paris (2018), Washington, DC (2018), Pretoria (2018), Bangkok (2019), Pilsen (2019), Toronto (2019), Riyadh (2020), Dubai (2020), Detroit (2020), Harare (2020), Singapore (2021), Haiti (2021), China (2021), Rome (2021), Indonesia (2021), Mexico (2021), Istanbul (2022), Nigeria (2022), Orlando (2022), Paraguay (2022), Rome (2022), India (2022), Malaysia (2022), Sydney (2022), Dhaka (2022), Manila (2023), Zambia (2023), Peru (2023), Houston (2023), Lisbon (2023), Vietnam (2023), New Delhi (2023), Melbourne (2023) and Dubai (2024). The IEOM Society currently has 220 student chapters in 54 countries. There are 151 countries from six continents participating in various IEOM Society activities. The IEOM Global Community has more than 20,000 members.

Authors can submit full paper(s) or abstract(s) only. Authors MUST use the conference template to prepare papers or abstracts. IEOM Society encourages to submit full paper(s). All full papers will be subjected to double peer review. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings and indexed. Any submission implies that an author will present the paper or abstract either virtual or oral presentation based on the situation.

Templates and Guidelines

Paper template

Abstract Template

Paper Checklist –

IEOM Reference Format –


Undergraduate Student Paper Competition Sponsored by SIEMENS

Graduate Student Paper Competition Sponsored by EATON Corporation

Doctoral Dissertation Competition sponsored by Airbus

Senior Capstone Design Project Competition sponsored by Tooling Tech Group

Undergraduate Research Competition sponsored by Daikin

Human Factors and Ergonomics Competition sponsored by CINTAS

Lean Six Sigma Competition sponsored by Tooling Tech Group

High School STEM Competition

Master Thesis Competition

Simulation Competition

Supply Chain and Logistics Competition

Poster Competition

Keynote Speakers

Javier Arturo Moreno Carvajal, Dean, School of Engineering, Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia – UNICOC, Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia

Luis Rabelo, Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA

Professor Eldon G. Caldwell Marin, Ph.D., Sc.D, Dr.Ed. and IEOM President, 2023-2025, Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Engineering School, University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica

Wilmer Garzón Alfonso, Full Professor in the Computer Department, Director of Data Science Master Program, Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería, Bogotá, Colombia

German Torres Hernández, MSc Ing. Industrial – MSc en Analytics & AI, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt – Certified RFID Supply Chain Manager, Auditor Líder ISO 9001, Gerente de Transformación Digital – Consultor Senior Digital Supply Chain

Luis Gabriel Marín Collazos, Profesor Planta Temporal, Departamento de Electrónica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Bogotá, D.C Colombia

Eddy Morris, Director de Educación Ejecutiva ESAN, Director de la Maestria en Dirección de TI-Director de la Maestria en Project Management, ESAN, Peru

Roberto Giordano Lerena, Decano, Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad, FASTA, Argentina

Arvey Alfonso Granada Calderon, Operations Manager, La Unión Coffee Farm, Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia

Mauricio Becerra Fernandez, Director of the Industrial Engineering Program, Director of the Master in Smart and Sustainable Cities, Escuela de Ingeniería, Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, Colombia

Nubia Milena Velasco Rodríguez, Director of Doctorate in Administration, Master of Research in Administration, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia

Jorge Andrés Vivares Vergara, Research Professor, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD), Bogotá, Colombia

Ing. Adriana Esguerra Arce, Docente, Directora del Centro de Estudios en Gestión de Tecnología e Innovación, Directora del Grupo de Investigación CIMSER, Decanatura de Ingeniería Industrial, Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

Julián Arellana, Dean, College of Engineering and Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia

Jorge Andrés Vivares Vergara, Research Professor, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD), Bogotá, Colombia

William J. Guerrero, Associate Professor, Head of the Research Group on Logistic Systems and Head of the IT and Process Optimization Department, Universidad de la Sabana, Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia

Paloma Maria Teresa Martinez Sanchez, Engineering, Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia

John Ezzo, Founder and CEO, New Image Building Services Inc., Troy, Michigan, USA

William J. Guerrero, Associate Professor, Head of the Research Group on Logistic Systems and Head of the IT and Process Optimization Department, Universidad de la Sabana, Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia

Dave Harry, Retired U.S. Naval Aviator and CEO of Process Whisperer® Consultants LLC, Greeneville, Tennessee, USA

Tony Prensa, CEO and Founder, TP Global Business Consulting, LLC

TRACKS: Topics covering industrial issues/applications and academic research include, but are not limited to:

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Automation, Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Business Management and Operations Management

Digital Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and IoT

Engineering Management and Project Management


Facility Planning and Layout

Human Factors, Ergonomics and Healthcare System Management

Innovation in Engineering Education

Lean Six Sigma and Operations Excellence

Manufacturing, Assembly and Design

Quality, Reliability and Maintenance

Simulation, Optimization and Productivity Improvement

Supply Chain and Logistics

Sustainability, Renewable and Alternative Energy

Case Studies and Best Practices


Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Curriculum Improvement Panel

Diversity and Inclusion Panel sponsored by Ford Motor Company

Women in Industry & Academia (WIIA)


TOYOTA KATA Workshop – The Secret Sauce for Toyota Production System by Mr. DAVE HARRY, Retired U.S. Naval Aviator and CEO of Process Whisperer® Consultants LLC, Greeneville, Tennessee, USA

Project Management Workshop – Leading with Emotional Intelligence: A Seminar for Industrial Engineers by Dr. Tony Prensa, PhD, MBA, PMP, CB-PMO, CCP, ITIL, 6σ, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, TP Global Business Consulting, LLC, Orlando, Florida, USA

Six Sigma Workshop by Dr. Ahad Ali

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Workshop by Professor Don Reimer

Conference Chairs

Johanna Trujillo Díaz, Coordinator, Vice President for Research, Fundación Universitaria Internacional De La Rioja (UNIR), Bogotá, Colombia

Javier Arturo Moreno Carvajal, Dean, School of Engineering, Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia – UNICOC, Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia

Ahad Ali, Associate Professor, Director of Industrial Engineering Program, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan, USA

Industry Chairs

Dave Harry, Retired U.S. Naval Aviator and CEO of Process Whisperer® Consultants LLC, Greeneville, Tennessee, USA, ASQ certified Six Sigma Black Belt and A PMI certified PMP®

Tony Prensa, PhD, MBA, PMP, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, TP Global Business Consulting, LLC, Orlando, Florida, USA

Technical Chairs 

Mario Chauca, Professor of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru

Julián Arellana, Dean, College of Engineering, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia

Sandro Paz, Professor and Director, Department of Industrial Engineering Program, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, San Miguel, Lima, Peru

Ximena Córdova Vallejo, Profesora, Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenierías, Politécnico Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador

Program Chairs

Professor Don Reimer, Director of Membership and Chapter Development, IEOM Society

Dr. Rodrigo Luiz Gigante, Coordinator of Production Engineering, FACENS University, Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Vitor Mendes Caldana, Federal Institute of Sao Paulo (IFSP) – Sorocaba Campus, Sao Paulo, Brazil and Operations Director of IEOM South America

Jorge Kurita, Research Faculty, Department of Industrial Engineering, Asuncion National University, Paraguay

University Partners

Fundación Universitaria Internacional De La Rioja (UNIR), Bogotá, Colombia

Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia – UNICOC, Bogota, D.C., Capital District, Colombia

Binghamton University, The State University of New York (SUNY), USA

Eastern Michigan University, USA

Florida Polytechnic University

Lawrence Technological University, Michigan, USA

Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

University of Derby, UK

University of Monterrey, Mexico

University of the District of Columbia (UDC), Washington, DC, USA

University of New Brunswick at Fredericton, Canada

University of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC, USA

Universite De Lorraine, Nancy cedex – France

Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

EMI, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco

Corporate Partners


Amatrol Inc.

Brasscraft Manufacturing Company


Daikin Applied

Eaton Corporation

Ford Motor Company


Tooling Tech Group

Organization Partners

African Engineering Education Association (AEEA)

BKSTI: Agency for Cooperation of Higher Education of Industrial Engineering, Indonesia

Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE)

International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES)

Pakistan Society of Industrial Engineering (PSIE)

Society of Cost and Quality Engineers (SCQE)

Operations Excellence Society

the lean mag

5th South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Bogota, Colombia, May 7-9, 2024

Hosts: Fundación Universitaria Internacional De La Rioja (UNIR), Bogotá, Colombia and Institucion Universitaria Colegios de Colombia (UNICOC)

Submission Link:

Registration Link:

Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society International

IEOM Society International

21411 Civic Center Dr., Suite 205

Southfield, Michigan 48076, USA

Phone: 1-248-450-5660, Email:

IEOM Society International 21411 Civic Center Dr., Suite # 205 Southfield, Michigan 48076


Special Track on “Trans- and Inter-Disciplinary Research, Education, and/or Communication” to be held in the context of 15th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2024, which has been based in Orlando, Florida, USA, and will take place on March 26 – 29, 2024.

You should submit your abstract (300-600 words) at:

Accepted articles for which at least one author registered for the conference will be published in:
The IMCIC 2024 proceedings (2000-6000 words), which has been indexed by SCOPUS since 2010.
A special issue, or section, of the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (2000-10000 words), indexed by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals, considered a white-list), since 2003.
No charges, additional to the conference registration fee, will be required for 2.


January 27, 2024: Submission of Abstracts (300-600 words). It should be made via the web page which URL has been given above. Please do not send it by e-mail, or through the options provided on the conference website under the tab “Authors”.
February 14, 2024: Submission of the full papers (2000-6000 words, maximum 8 two-column pages) related to accepted abstracts.
February 28, 2024: Uploading of the final version of the paper through the conference website.

Expected deadline regarding the second publication is included in the more detailed Call for Articles and Reviewers for this special event, which has been posted at the URL given above.

Both synchronous and asynchronous virtual presentations are possible. Therefore, the authors who participate virtually in the conference have the option of:
Submitting a slide show and/or a pre-recorded video of their presentation (asynchronous presentation) or
Making their presentation via Zoom (synchronous presentation)
Additionally, each paper to be presented at the event, virtually or in-person, may be read and commented on, via electronic forums, and evaluated by those participants who have registered for the conference.

Keynote speakers will be selected from registered authors whose submissions are among the best according to their external reviewers. The identification of the best submissions will be based on the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the reviewers and the percentage of reviewers recommending the acceptance of the submission as related to all the reviewers who made their respective reviews. For this reason, we recommend you to submit your paper early.

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to your contribution.


IMCIC-TIDREC 2024 Organizing Committee

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, you may unsubscribe here. If you have difficulty with the unsubscribe link, you may also send an e-mail to with REMOVE MLCONFERENCES in the subject line.  Address: 13750 West Colonial Dr, Suite 350 – 408, Winter Garden, Florida 34787, USA.

Call for Papers, “World Symposium on Climate Literacy”,  Manchester, UK, 9th-11th September 2024– Deadline for Abstracts: 30th April

Climate change literacy is crucial as it may empower individuals and communities with the knowledge to understand the impacts of climate change, the underlying science, and the strategies needed for mitigation and adaptation. By being informed, people can make more environmentally responsible decisions, advocate for sustainable policies, and adapt to changes that are already occurring. Climate literacy also involves understanding the evidence for climate change, recognising its influence on environmental and human systems, and being able to participate in community-based efforts to reduce emissions and adapt to its impacts. As climate change affects all sectors of society, literacy is necessary for everyone, from policymakers and scientists to students and the general public, ensuring a well-informed community ready to tackle these challenges effectively.

There is a perceived need for events which may cater for in-depth discussions about how the cause of climate literacy may be fostered.  It is against this background that the  “World Symposium on Climate Literacy” is being organised. The Symposium aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners  and educators engaged with climate literacy to exchange their knowledge and perspectives.

The Symposium also aims to offer a valuable platform to enable climate literacy providers and users from the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Africa and the Middle East regions to depeen their knowledge on the topic and enhance networks. The theme of the Symposium, “Combining the Theory and Practice of Climate Change Literacy” reflects the intention to offer participants an opportunity to present what they are  doing,  both in research and reflections on climate literacy principles, and their implementation in practice.

As an output and long-term documentation of the event, selected papers will be published in the book  “Combining the Theory and Practice of Climate Change Literacy”, which will follow on the success of the 3-volumes “Handbook of Climate Change Communication”
with over 200 authors, and the 6- volumes “Handbook of Climate Change Management” one of the world´s largest non-publicly editorial projects on climate change produced to date, to which over 500 authors have contributed. The book will be  produced as part of the Climate Change Management Series, published by Springer Nature, which is fully indexed. All papers are peer-reviewed. Publications in the book series have been officially counting for promotion and tenure purposes over the years.

Interested participants should prepare an abstract of 200 to 300 words, along with the authors’ names and full contact details, summarising their planned inputs. Abstracts should be sent to the coordinating team of the “World Symposium on Climate Literacy”  by filling in the on-line form.

The deadline for submissions of abstracts is 30th April 2024. Full papers are due by 30th September 2024. The details will be discussed with the selected authors. It is also possible to attend the event and make a presentation, without producing a paper.

Further details can be seen at:


The Organising Committee

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International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IF 4.120) is the world´s only journal which focuses on aspects of sustainable development at universities. Since its creation in the year 2000, the journal has been playing a key role in documenting the evolution of sustainability processes in higher education, being now central to the academic debate on matters related to sustainability at universities.A special issue on “Assessing the incorporation of UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) in Learning and Teaching Policies of Higher Education Institutions”, is currently accepting abstract and full paper.There is a growing focus on the need to ensure that students and graduates are informed about or have an overall awareness about the UN SDGs. One of the structured approaches to ensure this may happen, is to systematically embed the UN SDGs within an institution’s learning and teaching policy. This Special Issue therefore aims report on approaches, methods, tools and processes to incorporate the UN SDGs in higher education institutions. It also explores if there may be differences about the incorporation of the UN SDGs at HEIs in different countries and in different specialist subjects.Link to submit full paper:

Key Deadlines:Closing date for abstracts: 30th of October, 2023Opening date for full article submissions:18th of September, 2023Closing date for full article submissions: 20th of February, 2024 Email for abstract submissions300 words abstracts outlining the aims of the paper, the methods used and with the full contact details of the authors, should be sent to the guest editors, Dr Joanna Poon at, Dr Artie Ng at and  Dr Subarna Sivapalan at,The Editorial Team

Real-time energy flow mapping: A VSM-based proposal forenergy efficiency

Parabenizamos membros do Mestrado Profissional em Sistemas de Gestão UFF/MSG pela publicação no Periódico Internacional

Journal of Cleaner Production (Volume 419, 20 September 2023, 137871)

 Real-time energy flow mapping: A VSM-based proposal for energy efficiency


Leonardo Fontoura (Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil)
Daniel Luiz de Mattos Nascimento (University of Barcelona Business School, Barcelona, Spain)
Julio Vieira Neto (Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil)
Noelia Garcia-Buendia (Department of Business Organization, Marketing, and Sociology, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain)
Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes (Centre for Supply Chain Improvement, University of Derby, UK)
Gilson Brito Alves Lima (Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil)
Guilherme Luz Tortorella (Mechanical Engineering Department, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)
Rodrigo Goyannes Gusmão Caiado (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Marcelo Jasmim Meiriño (Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil)

O aumento dos custos de energia e a atual preocupação com as questões de sustentabilidade impactam diretamente na competitividade e sobrevivência das organizações, promovendo a busca pela melhoria contínua nos processos produtivos industriais. O presente estudo, ao identificar a ausência na literatura de modelos baseados em Value Stream Mapping e integrados com tecnologias da Indústria 4.0 que promovam melhores práticas de eficiência energética em processos industriais, propõe um novo modelo de Lean Management denominado Real-time Energy Flow Mapping. Este modelo inovador, capacita um sistema de gestão visual, digital e sustentável de todo comportamento energético em máquinas e equipamentos utilizando métricas e regras totalmente parametrizáveis. Além disso, estimular os stakeholders com a capacidade de prever e monitorar os custos de energia, bem como identificar possíveis problemas devido a mudanças no comportamento do consumo de energia nas máquinas, ajudando assim os gestores a tomar decisões de forma mais rápida e dinâmica. Como resultado, a pesquisa bibliográfica revelou 17 modelos baseados em Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor com foco em eficiência energética, juntamente com 31 métricas agrupadas em processos energéticos, ambientais e produtivos. Após discussões pelos Focus Groups, 16 métricas resultantes foram submetidas a painel de especialistas, no qual as menos relevantes foram descartadas e as 13 mais relevantes classificadas usando Fuzzy Delphi. Uma análise para verificar as inter-relações entre as métricas é realizada utilizando o Fuzzy DEMATEL, sendo por fim aplicada no modelo proposto. Foi realizado um estudo de caso do modelo, submetendo-o operacionalmente ao LabFaber 4.0, validando empiricamente o estudo. O Mapa de Fluxo de Energia em Tempo Real preenche a lacuna na literatura sobre modelos de Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor para melhorar a eficiência energética, monitorando o consumo de energia por meio do mapeamento dinâmico do fluxo de energia dos processos produtivos, identificando a área com maior potencial de economia de energia por meio de mudanças no comportamento operacional que reduzem o consumo geral de energia e os impactos ambientais.

Para mais detalhes:

Fumaça das chaminés de indústria

Os desafios da captura de carbono no Brasil


Uma das principais promessas para as indústrias de difícil descarbonização, os projetos de captura e armazenamento de carbono começam a pipocar no Brasil. Um projeto de lei apresentado pelo então senador e hoje presidente da Petrobras, Jean Paul Prates, quer regular a atividade.

Leia mais



O IEL Instituto Euvaldo Lodi torna público as oportunidades a seguir para mestres e doutores.

606326279 – Doutor 2 – Engenharias – R$ 6.500,00 – 12 meses

606326279 – Mestre 2 – Engenharias – R$ 4.500,00 – 12 meses

613270153 – Doutor2 – Engenharias – R$6.500,00 – 12 meses:

613270153 – Doutor2 – Engenharias – R$6.500,00 – 12 meses:

613270153 – Mestre 2 – Engenharias – R$4.500,00 – 12 meses

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